
Digital Odyssey

Unlocking the Secrets of Digital Mastery



The word "shaman" is unique. It sparks curiosity and style. Tech requires a type of spiritual guidance; a tribal chief. I'm here to guide my tribe.
  • Learning the ‘mechanical’ way allows you the grasp concepts that technology just enhances. Mechanical thought processes for a new generation on #CafeTechnika @cxformula
  • Realizing the difference between being a servant leader and being a selfish leader was transformative for Darren Maxwell. Hear the whole story on hashtag#CafeTechnika.
  • GenX and GenZ aren’t so different after all?! Maybe we’re all just people trying to figure out how to build a career… #CafeTechnika #GenerationalDivide
  • You don’t have to be available 24/7 with your cell phone to be successful #CafeTechnika #TechShamanism
  • Maturity and EQ in management on Episode 1 of Café Technika. Learn from those who have it. @jfuller3434 #TechShamanism #Management #Podcast #CafeTechnika
  • Wolves will always see the shepherd as surmountable. The shepherd knows better. Wolves are only feared when he is not around. #Leadership #Calling #ServiceMindset #UnderstandingWhy
  • Time and again, I’ve been amazed by who truly listens and who attempts to silence you. The universal truth seems clear - speak your mind fearlessly and let your good work shine. The universe has a way of connecting great minds and aligning those with shared visions and values. Leadership is about embracing one another while staying true to your principles. Driving meaningful change cannot be faked. It has to be natural evolution. #Leadership #Inclusion #BigIdeas #Communication
  • Surrounding yourself with trailblazers instead of investors means seeing the world from the front seat. Learning AI from Google is like seeing the future. #GoogleGemini #TeamSG #TechShamanism #Trailblazing
  • Is the partner comfortable when having a beer? Not the CEO and sales rep alone. Do they bring and interact with the actual PM or service manager? That’s a gauge you should set from day one. If they’re genuine then, they’ll be genuine elsewhere. If they only let you meet the executive team, there’s probably a reason. It’s truly that simple.

#TechShamanism #BusinessLeadership #ClientManagement
  • High-Band 5G, Multi-Spectrum Fiber and Satellite connectivity is here. Picking the right partner to help your business deploy it is important. Does your current partner understand this tech? If not let’s talk.
  • AI, API’s and automation are all the “A-Words” in a technologist’s toolbox. But they are just that…tools. None of those things replace good partnerships and listening to your customer or team. Ensure your technology team, or partner, is lead by someone who understands the difference between skill and tools. #Wisdom #TechShamanism #Partnerships #Leadership #Automation #AI #API
  • Life is about choices and connections. You can’t plan for these moments. They happen organically. If given the choice, push yourself to get outside of your comfort zone. You’ll never know when or where that pivotal moment will be. It might just be with the person sitting alone…
  • Stop competing, start creating. Originality is your superpower, embrace it and watch your uniqueness shine brighter than any competition ever could. 🌟 #BeOriginal #CreateNotCompete #TechShaman #DetailsMatter
  • Never lose your ability to imagine and explore, as a child does, without fear and without plans. Sometimes just doing things and using raw creativity gets you results you couldn’t have planned for. Going from A to B is not the same as going wherever you can get. You’ll usually find you can get a lot further without the strings…