
About MeThe Framework

Fusion Framework

Empowering Cross-Geography Tech Leaders with Shamanic Wisdom

I’ve cracked the code of technology leadership, and it’s been formalized into something called the Fusion Framework. This “shamanic wisdom” is geared towards cross-geography tech leaders. It empowers alignment within your C-Suite and unleashes unbridled power within your technology team. It’s accessible and fun!


It’s all about keeping it simple because let’s face it, tech jargon and complex ideas can be a real buzzkill. This framework is a guide for distilling down to the bare essentials.


Anyone can do something once. Real power comes from scalability. Learn to consistently deliver what’s needed. You’ll learn to reprioritize what should have been important to you from the beginning.


Learn to play the long game. This is a playbook for building a future that lasts. It’s about making choices today that ensure we’re still winning tomorrow. Learn to plan for the curve.


It’s not enough to turn heads; you have to craft irresistible allure that captivates, entices, and leaves a lasting impression. magnetic charm is an art form that ignites passion and leaves a trail of longing in its wake.

How It Works

The framework is something I’ve honed over many years. It’s a 4-step journey that starts with a Mindscape session, igniting the spark for the adventure ahead. We’ll dive deep, unraveling ideas, solving problems, and crafting blueprints for impactful change. With each step, we unlock new possibilities and chart a course towards a future brimming with opportunity.

The Vision Quest

Embark on a journey to uncover the hidden depths of your company’s technological needs. Through guided introspection and exploration, we’ll reveal the essence of your challenges and aspirations, laying the foundation for profound insights..

Strategic Synthesis

Cultivate the foresight to weave a strategic tapestry that harmonizes your technological initiatives with the sacred threads of your company’s vision and purpose. Empower your business by aligning the CEO’s vision, the needs of the business, and the sales efforts with a cohesive technology plan.

Implementation Ignition

Engage in igniting the flames of transformation and catalyze the implementation process. We’ll infuse each action with intention, ensuring the execution of your plans are just as innovative as the alignment. During the throws of battle is where relationships are forged.

Harmony Alignment

Cultivate a harmony within your ecosystem, attuning it to the rhythms of change and growth. Through ongoing rituals, we’ll ensure that your technology leadership remains in harmony with the ever-shifting currents of your company’s needs and aspirations. Learn to be the final call and seen as a savior.

Who is it For?

The CTO or tech leader

Someone who’s working for an organization that’s plagued with many locations and managing a myriad of technologies. Typically, a franchisor or kiosk network operator. My target market is QSR, EV charging, and franchised retail stores.

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Your Needs are Unique

The term ‘shaman’ carries a unique resonance. It evokes curiosity and captures the essence of what I offer. I view technology not just as a tool, but as a way of life—a realm that demands a guiding hand, much like a tribal chief navigating uncharted waters. By branding myself as a technology shaman, I aim to embody this role of guidance and leadership, offering invaluable insights to the Chief. Whether you’re the discerning investor, owner or operator. there’s ways I can help.

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The Start-Up

A Journey of Focus and Unknown Beginnings.

Without a CTO, startups grapple with the complexities of tech decisions and crafting a unified tech roadmap, leading to inefficiencies and missed innovation opportunities. It’s a roadblock to scaling up swiftly and staying ahead in a competitive landscape.

  • Fractional CTO
  • Honed Hiring Plan
  • Founder Advice
  • Team Coaching
  • Exit Strategy
PE’s, VC’s & Angel Investors

A Safari Filled with Modernization, Simplification & Consolidation.

Acquiring a firm with existing talent poses challenges for investors in driving tech innovation and optimizing operations for modern markets. It can hamper the firm’s agility and growth potential, risking diminished returns in a fast-paced investment landscape.

  • Tech Assessment
  • Board Advisory
  • CTO Coaching
  • C-Suite Mediation
  • Infrastructure Recommendation
Franchisors & Multi-Site Retailers

Prospecting the Great Unknown in Hopes of Prosperity.

When technology leadership fails to meet business needs, multi-site franchisors encounter difficulties in maintaining consistency and efficiency across locations. This can lead to fragmented operations, hindered growth, and compromised customer experiences, putting the success of the chain at risk.

  • Tech Team Coaching
  • Scalability Review
  • Risk Assessment
  • CTO Mentorship
  • Vendor Negotiation
MSP’s & VAR’s

An Expedition in a Wild Terrain of B2B Channel Partners.

When engineering and IT isn’t aligned with the C-suite, MSPs or VARs grapple with bridging the gap between tech solutions and business objectives. This mismatch stifles innovation, strains client relationships, and hampers growth in a dynamic market landscape.

  • Sales Engineering Coaching
  • Productization of Services
  • Business Analytics
  • Internal Systems Design
  • Team Alignment

The Numbers

It’s Not The Age, It’s The Mileage

Tech SKU's
Years Experience

Having worked with top-tier companies, consistently, has given me an invaluable opportunity to glean insights and expertise. Through these collaborations, I’ve amassed a depth of understanding and experience that belies my years, positioning me as a trusted advisor with the wisdom and acumen of a seasoned leader.

About Me

I Create Awesome Stuff

In the dynamic world of technology, I’ve embraced the mantle of ‘technology shaman‘—a deliberate choice that sets me apart. With authenticity and originality, I aim to make a lasting impact, avoiding clichés while showcasing my capabilities.

Renowned as a guru and leader in enterprise circles, I bring extensive experience and expertise to every endeavor. My passion lies in building teams and leveraging technology’s transformative power, drawing inspiration from industry giants like Xerox PARC and Apple.

Amidst a sea of complexity, I champion simplicity as the key to true greatness. With the Fusion Framework, I fuse leadership, expertise, and simplicity to revolutionize tech and teamwork. Join me on this journey to unlock the full potential of technology and collaboration.

Have a Listen

My Drive

Born and bred in northern NJ, I was immersed in the hustle of the NY area, a crucible for competition. In this dynamic environment, I learned the value of reputation and self-awareness – potent assets in any arena.

With over 20 years in technology, spanning roles from field engineer to management executive, I’ve honed my craft. I’ve been pivotal in three startups, each soaring past the $50 million mark, and witnessed the exhilarating journey of taking a company public.

My Style

As a Xennial, I emerged from one of the most transformative eras in recent history, where the vibrant 80s and 90s encouraged boundless exploration before the Internet reshaped our world. This fuels my fervent dedication to essentialism, anchoring me amidst the digital storm.

This formative period instilled in me adaptability. In today’s swiftly changing technological landscape, I prioritize agility over steadfast allegiance. Tethering myself to basic building blocks, I embrace disposable flexibility, navigating with purpose and harnessing the power of simplicity

My Ethos

I live by essentialism, finding joy in helping others thrive. My mission? To transform the good into the truly extraordinary. I’m fueled by the desire to leave a legacy of success and style. My work propels me forward; for me, completion outweighs perfection. Craftsmanship, camaraderie, and clear communication are my guiding lights. Striving for excellence in leadership is my mantra.

I value the how’s and the why’s far more than the what’s. The results only matter if they serve the mission of each person on the team. In a material world, the immaterial carries a greater weight.

I Am An EngineerI Am A Tech InfluencerI Am A Team BuilderI Am A MakerI Am A Collective

— A Tribal Leader in the Digital Age —

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What Will I Gain?

Ready to make magic? By engaging my philosophy and diving into the Fusion Framework, you’re not hiring a consultant or professional coach—you’re making the decision to gain a strategic vision. From turbocharging your technology decisions to fine-tuning your efficiency, you’ll lead the charge toward unparalleled growth and success. Let’s seize this opportunity. The digital revolution never stops—time is of the essence!

What fuels business is the ability to communicate and sell. Execution is an expectation that drives repeat customers. Strong operational knowledge matters.

As a tech leader, mastering the delicate balance between engineering prowess, business acumen, implementation finesse, and effective management is paramount. It’s not just about understanding the nuts and bolts of technology; it’s about seamlessly integrating innovation and creativity into the broader landscape. By embodying this multifaceted approach, I drive forward-thinking strategies that bridge the gap between sales and tech ops, propelling organizations toward sustained success. No fat, no nonsense. All the boldness of the 80’s and 90’s.

Part Engineering


Part Business (Ops & Sales)


Part Implementation Style


Part Management Prowess


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