Like Food, You Need To Know About Batteries

You…consume…batteries. To a person in the 21st century, batteries are no less consumable than milk or bread. They fuel your phone, watch, toys and TV. They are so ubiquitous in every part of life, you wouldn’t be able to get home nor call your kids. Batteries are everywhere. And just like debates on GMO, gluten and grass fed beef…you should know about the batteries that feed your life. Continue reading “Like Food, You Need To Know About Batteries”

Fear of Innovation.

I love technology. It is the one true passion of my life. I work with it. I fight for it. I do what is necessary to seek out and learn everything there is to know about it. While I, like many others, might have preferences; I’ll always admit that for one company to succeed another does not have to lose. It is not Android vs. iOS for me. It is not Windows vs. MacOS. This is not an Apple vs. Samsung post. Continue reading “Fear of Innovation.”