

Why is my solution not scaling?

Do you sell a product, solution or software platform that runs unmanned in a public venue? Is the mission of your business to scale nationwide? If the answer is yes, you are also in the network business, and your future is ownership. Your business is not going to hit critical mass if you rely on […]


The World Missed Out on What Facebook Could Have Been

Like it or hate it, Facebook changed the world forever.  Online communications and the social media revolution was built upon the foundation that Facebook laid.  Unfortunately business also changed in 2004.  The idea around venture capital, IPO’s, and the forever funded enterprise was solidified.  We were robbed of what Facebook could have been.  The tech […]


We Don't Need No, Net Neutrality

That’s right. I’ve debated posting this article for a few weeks now. I know there will be a flurry of negative and opposing sides to this argument. That said, my resolve is strong. As a technologist, I don’t want my government involved with my Internet. In fact, I don’t want any government involved in my […]