

Mill Point Capital Partners with Core Technology Solutions

8-1/2 years ago I started at CTS as a C-level executive. The company was scrappy, small, but tough…definitely poised for big things. I told the owners that my definition of success would be seeing them sell the business, getting interest from PE firms and eventually stock exchanges. Today was one of those milestones. I’ve aged. […]


The Charismatic Leader isn't the most Sympathetic

Charisma is a powerful thing. It’s been described as someone who possesses a virtue that sets them apart; someone who is treated as endowed with specifically exceptional powers or qualities. Today charismatic leadership is sought after to challenge the traditional bureaucracy within an organization. Transformative moments in business will typically come from the charismatic, and […]


The World Missed Out on What Facebook Could Have Been

Like it or hate it, Facebook changed the world forever.  Online communications and the social media revolution was built upon the foundation that Facebook laid.  Unfortunately business also changed in 2004.  The idea around venture capital, IPO’s, and the forever funded enterprise was solidified.  We were robbed of what Facebook could have been.  The tech […]