
The Hub

Revealing the Secrets of Digital Mastery

The World Missed Out on What Facebook Could Have Been

Like it or hate it, Facebook changed the world forever.  Online communications and the social media revolution was built upon the foundation that Facebook laid.  Unfortunately business also changed in 2004.  The idea around venture capital, IPO’s, and the forever funded enterprise was solidified.  We were robbed of what Facebook could have been.  The tech […]


Empathy in a Digital Age

In world of Facebook feeds, Snapchats, big data and analytics, your needs are furthest from focus. Today’s technology has made humans more efficient than any living creator before us. We can communicate at the speed of light and share knowledge spanning generations. You’d think with all this processing power, we’d have the understanding and tools […]


Don't Be Afraid

Amazing technology and services die in a basement or garage because people are afraid of presenting them. People are afraid of each other and rejection. Don’t be afraid! Get out there. Experience each other. Ask for help. You can do amazing things! #NoFear